Leap Into My Kitchen

Food, we all love it and all of us can’t do without it; the very reason why it’s my favorite thing in the world. Hi, my name is Larry Kelly and I major in Hospitality Management. Being in such a place, I always get plenty of chances to see, think and feel my favorite thing. Its very essence is to supply nourishment to the entire human race. What an excellent job it does, so much that our very existence is supported by its intricate nature.

With the variety available, man has done wonderfully in harnessing this miraculous substance. Taking it to nowhere else but the Kitchen! My favorite place! We definitely did right in bringing this place closer to home. Without our television, most would never know that our ancestors had the kitchen away from within our homes. You couldn’t possible lay them blame. The heavy smoke from the fire took away all their comfort. The advent of new means for cooking made things so much better and far more delicious; with the smoke gone by the aid of these existing means: gas cookers, electric stoves, etc., the aroma from cooked food roams freely within the homes. Lucky are those blessed with gifted hands to bring about mixtures capable of leaving voiceless men singing, nagging children settled and all men spending; simply with their ability to cook food.

The matrimony between Food and Kitchen is by far the most beautiful I know and the only bound to last forever. Stay with me on BasicPulse for sizzling cooking hints and healthy food tips that will leave you tantalized and equipped to bring about wealth. After health is wealth and what better to bring about wealth other than food. Signing off…

Larry Kelly.

Hold on! Rumor has it smoke has a certain desirable flavor to food. What are your thoughts on this? Signing off again. *winks*


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BasicPulse is written by Paul Uduk.

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