A second makes a massive difference. But, how could it? It's just one from the infinite the Creator has set in place. How many people do you think are out there with this response. God forbid I say 1% of the Nigerian population, that would amount to 1.5 million people. However, the inadequacy of the stated statistics shouldn't make you heave a breath of relief. Its understated!.. Think about it, how many times have you heard; "its not my responsibility" "do your own and lemme do my own" "let's go there and have a share of our own cake, 'kpatakpata' if 1 million naira enter our pocket we know that we have done something" doesn't your mind form data with higher of percentages, say 10%, 30%...?? I'm no man that delves into matters that hold no interest to me, for that reason I'll drop the statistics presented.
I'm am concerned with human potential and development. For does of us that seek it we know that attainment of peak potential can be stated as child's play only after you have achieved the status. Living with the striving majority is another tale; Worry, complaint, anxiety is the usual way of life and anyone who doesn't exibit those fine qualities is an alien. Woe onto he who attempts to convey uplifting information but doesn't carry the tag of 'Pastor' to his name.
Who is to be blamed? Actually, no one. A properly designed item always performs in accordance to commands input. Humans act in a likewise manner, radiating beauty that is left on the beholder to judge as good or evil; applying natural laws he starts chain reactions that may remain inconcievable especially to the untrained mind over a period of time. The results may bring temporary outcomes which do not come across as desirable and he applies other methods that may make things worse until he becomes totally blind to what the principle truly represents and he moves through his space feeling victimized and creating new lines of victimized persons who even create more and the chain continues until an outward force is introduced to offset things(netwon's 1st law).
It is everyones calling to strife for perfection. Most people simply 'don't have the time' to seek logical reasons to the essense of their individual lives, its so most sweeter to follow the crowd and envy those that strife and seem to have perfect lives. Minding your own business should be primary, millions find this very difficult, idle gossip is more enticing, self-pity draws wanted attention that can be gotten in more constructive ways.
Life's simplicity makes it the sweetest thing to experience. We are created to the highest degree of perfection as with most things in this universe. What's important in how we relate to this perfection is constant realignment. The most popular teacher, in the holy book mentioned time and time again the essense of this realignment. "Ask and it shall be given" "Seek and ye shall find" "Knock and it shall be open onto you". Rumor has it He had and still has a direct connection to The Creator of the universe. How empowering it must be to have such instructions from The Creator.
Conscious effort need be made towards obtaining the full benefit of instructions laid down since the begining of time and before long it becomes true nature.
Understanding the method to getting whatever you desire isn't as difficult as to you imagine. Most of us are aware of the oldest curse laid upon man(based on jewish and christain religions); in a simple way 'you have to till the earth to survive'. In a modern sense you have to render useful service in proportion to what you desire, it therefore makes sense that what you put out is in direct proportion to what you get. Meticulously create an item that pleases a man and he'll pay you with what he posseses simply cause you have obeyed a fundamental rule. Right results are NEVER derived from using wrong techniques. How therefore do you expect to get a smooth relationship when you allow thrid parties feed your mind with inadequate thoughts; relationship with God, relationship with husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend, relationship with friends/acquaitances, relationship with animals, relationship with anything. Its in your duty to source and use accurate information in whatever calling with which you have a relationship. Word of advise, start with sourcing about accurate information about God. Should be pretty easy, afterall He is everywhere and in everything.
A smooth relationship with God brings returns words really can't describe, its important to know who He is and what He represents. Only then will you give jubilation to every single detail He set in place and give attention to that which is important to you.
Reboot yourself today and realign with that which is mostly important. Its better that way, other than when it is forced upon you by the wonderful laws of nature. One second is equally as important as the infinite it makes a part of, when you think of eating your share of the cake, keep in mind its quality and the quantity that will keep you healthy.
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