6;30AM geez I’m forty
five minutes late already, I need to leave now! Oh wait I still have to shower –
do I have any clean briefs? Oh no forgot to shave last night! Sigh! Its Friday?
Ahhrgh its Friday and I haven’t written my blog entry… okay so can I quickly
shave, Iron my pants and write my blog entry before I leave in…..10 minutes..
hmmn.. okay, I think I can do this.. oh shoot mum is calling.. I told her I would
give her a lift to the airport at 6:15am , should I answer the phone? Yes shes
your mother and she’ll understand either-way, answer the phone. . . but then I won’t be able to shave and iron.
Okay. I’ll call her on my way out oh wait, I’ll just take a cab. . . I if take
a cab instead of driving I’ll get extra thirty minutes and I can make the phone
calls and I can spear-hand the blog entry on the way to the island. . Perfect.
. . okay. . oh my God! Look at that extra bulge on my belly, seriously? Come on
Biodun, did you really need that extra glass of milk? BRIEFS! – You need to
wash some – Okay – I’ll just buy some on my way out. I am wearing one anyway. Now
just concentrate on getting out the door. oh crap! I forgot to call my editor
back. Another phone call for the cab. Dammit , she’ll think im the biggest
flake ever. Okay editor first then mom, then underwear. . . what am I forgetting?
Ugghh what , eerrm what is it!!
Okay you know what STOOOOOOOOOPPPP!!!!
Stop, just stop. Take a moment and just breathe..
I remember a stern line from a move that reminds me that
life comes at you fast, flows through your entire being and tries to express
itself in every way possible, it’s a lot like lightning.
With these brief seconds in life I need to stop the
searching, an overflow of drive and motivation could have you avoiding the
beauty in living. Living is here and now.. There’s that need to understand and
appreciate all that you have been given . . . so just stop
Will the real world even care? All the news in the media, my
life flashing before tv screens, the endless meetings. A subtle whiff of relief.
If i just sit here. . .
now . . . with uncensored thoughts and feelings… unencumbered intensity
oozing out of my every pore. Milk still spinning in the glass I just stirred as
my mouth is soon filled with nourishment.. I’d still live..
I am abundant in this.. but it is my soul that yearns.
If I stop with the chattering distractions of “stuff’ ,
cease the to-do-list’s, the have-to’s and relationships and deadlines. . . all
these things of great importance. . I get
this moment, this person, this honesty, this chance to connect with myself I’ll
realize the human in the human. The perfectly flawed self.. but still do I break
my intended circle.
We are not enslaved to our lives like we say we are. We forget
that these are opportunities, chances for us to experience our beings..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
This article was inspired by
Allison Mack a person I hold to high esteem..
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