7 Things to Remember

by Paul Washington Uduk

With our ever increasing busy lives, it is often easy to forget the little things that make life worth living. Here are 7 things to remember to make life a whole lot more meaningful.

1. You
Yes! The most important thing to remember is "You". Many of us become so engross in the hassle of hustle that we become somewhat detached from what it is we are and allow the ‘clutter’ of the world fill our minds. How often do you take out time for yourself? How often do you let the presumptuous opinion of others dictate your choices? No one is saying you should be conceited, arrogant and obnoxious because all you think about is “ME”. I preach taking out time for yourself to examine where exactly you are and where you want/need to be in this journey of life.

2. Dreams
It’s no longer news that the bigger your dreams, the better your life. I am not referring to daydreams and meaningless dreams we get at night; I’m referring to steady streams of thoughts that seem harmonious with every part of our being and automatically gets us visions and goals that when achieved even in the most minute sense gives so much joy. Are you aligned with your dreams, visions and goals or are you simply drifting aimlessly in your space? Dreams guide us through life; just one of the many precious things available for free!

3. Smile
Many would plead guilty to the crime of forgetting this particular simple and priceless act. If only they knew the returns.

Smiling has been shown to reduce stress level and anxiety by triggering the release of “feel good” chemicals in brain known as endorphins. Smiling would make you more attractive to those you smile at; also it is quite contagious and will leave those you smile at smiling making you look friendly and approachable. 


Study shows that smiling can boost the immune system by making the body produce more white blood cells. To think you forgot to smile. An interesting fact is that the mind can’t tell the difference between when we fake a smile from when we genuinely smile.
Try it now, make your lips curve into a smile, you’ll gradually begin to feel a genuine smile coming up! 
Did it work…? hehe.. I got you to smile. *winks* 
Seriously though, it works!

4. Beautiful Everyday Moments
Watching the sun rise can be the most heartwarming thing, settling down to take a few deep breaths can be quite relaxing after all thats all we truly really have. Can you think of beautiful everyday moments? Savor them!

5. Service
It’s always important that we serve others. The joy from this is immeasurable. Would seem God laid a great blessing if and only if you overcame His great curse. The trick comes from how to serve. In my mind how to serve stems from what to do in service and why we have chosen to give that service; find those and you are good to go.

6. Family and Friends
It is quite easy to forget or ignore those we love the most cause we figure they will most likely be around when we need them; this is a very selfish way to think. Make out time to spend with members of your family, call up a good old friend, have a laugh and make someone's day.

7. Creative Source
I really don’t know why this didn't make it all the way to the top but I'm a sucker for leaving the best for last. Historians have shown that ever since creation we have often longed to be in connection with something bigger than us, something beyond that would make horrible events of life go away or bearable. How often do you pray? Satisfy that natural yearning for divine connection? I believe we were made by a Creator and with whatever name we as individuals give to our creator it is exceptionally important that we effectively communicate with Him.

There you have it! keep these things in mind and expand your horizon on each and you'll be sure to lead an amazing life.



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BasicPulse is written by Paul Uduk.

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