Mindful Power of Clothes

by Washington Paul

One of my favorite book is the classic success book by Napoleon Hill: Law of Success.
In this book Napoleon discussed about the psychology of good clothes and the fortune it can bring when incorporated in the right ways.
I particularly love this setting because of how true it is. There is a common saying "dress how you want to be addressed". But, truth be told, many of us cannot be bothered, especially considering the environments we might find ourselves, these environmental factors include finances, safety, culture, lifestyle etc.,
Be it as it may, it is very important to project the right image with the kind of clothes we wear especially when we want to embody a sense of success. 
The science of Enclothed Cognition suggests with proof to the idea that we should dress how we want to feel, not how we actually feel (read here). Do you want to feel powerful? Do you want to feel Sexy? Or/And Wealthy? Clothes are there to provide you with these feelings; the clothes you choose are sending a message to those around you and also to you,
Its really in our hands to use clothes to alter how others perceive us and also how we perceive ourselves.
Since its always easier to say things than it is to do them; here are tips to make implementing the "dress for success psychology" easier and worth it 

Invest in classic looks:
The reasons they are called classics is because they can stand the test of time and can work for virtually anyone. Classics usually have multiple functions, and are appropriate for different age groups and body types. It therefore makes sense to invest a few bucks on these fashion assets regardless of who you are.

Know how you want to feel and dress the part
Its often the message that one should dress how one feels. But, recent studies suggest that a better approach should hold; we should dress how we want to feel. Ever been in a break up and your friends suggested you go shopping? Or Lost your job but still carried your sophisticated workplace image. Chances are if you followed the advise of your friends, it didn't take long to get back into another maybe more rewarding relationship.

Use colours to your advantage:
Colors do wonders in sending the perfect message. Thing is some of us may not know how to play with them owing to the fact that they are numerous and each can send a variety of messages across. Let's consider a few basic colours that cuts across the entire world of colour; Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White and Black

Red: This colour has been linked to represent danger; sex; dominance and attention. To make a statement that is bold, sexual and domineering, Red is the colour to opt for.

Blue: Blue conveys a sense of formality. Wear blue to project a serious tone and a sense of being intellectual and trustworthy
Green: The beauty of green come from is gentle and alluring vibe. It projects prosperity, wealth, security, nature and compassion.
Yellow: Perceptions from wearing yellow include happiness, optimism etc.
White: White conveys purity and cleanliness.

Black: Save the best for last right? "Only when its called for" Black is undoubtedly the most popular colour when it comes to clothe, and for good reason. The colour suggest power, authority, elegance, versality and neatness. Every thing I know goes with black! Use this to your advantage.

Wisely Effect Style:
The factors that influence style are numerous; personality, occasion, culture, lifestyle, time etc. But basically it boils down to you.

Dressing gorgeous doesn't cost a million bucks
The glamour projected onto us from our screens can be a bit misleading. And some of us settle for shabby dressing because we have the mentality that dressing well will cost a lot of money. I'm not disputing the fact that there are really expensive clothes out there. But, large expense really isn't style, its wiser to invest in quality that is stylish and affordable. Learn to create a balance between cash outflow and style.

Make gradual changes
When altering ones image Crystal Gardner recommends subtle and gradual changes as the easiest and safest way to achieve ds end. Others may disagree and vouch for a more upfront approach to make bold and dramatic statements the world is bound to get accustomed to and respect. What you do is up to you and want you are comfortable with but the bottom line is consistency and stylish wisdom
Spice up your outfits with colours and accessories to add elegance and sophistication to your look.


  1. Lovely article. quite informative. Thx

  2. When readers like you leave such refreshing comments. It can be quite refreshing. Thanks a lot!


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