The One Activity to Make You Do Your Most Desired Activities

If there is one activity I know eases my mental state it is the activity of which I am now engaged: Writing - putting words on a page, one after the other. 

Yet writing is one activity I find myself neglect, to a degree I find uncomfortable. The better of my time (when I am not engaged in work activities) tends to not go to writing. 

The one activity that seems to get the better of my time is watching YouTube videos (or generally using my phone in mindless pursuit), and doing so drains my energy in a subtle manner that cases me unease. 

It's unarguable that social media presents benefits but my current struggle with it has been that it hijacks the faculty of my will: I find myself mindlessly scrolling through YouTube videos at times when my intention is to engage in desired activities, like putting words on a page.

In Tim Ferris’s book, 4HWW, there is a principle attributed to Vilfredo Parento. The principle states that: 80% of outcomes result from 20% of inputs.

It's clear that mindless watching of YouTube video brings me unease and putting words on a page does the opposite. It makes sense that an interest in increasing the ease that comes to my mind should come from increasing the amount of time I spend doing what generates the ease - writing. And I have taken a number of steps to curb the tendency to engage in mindless use of social media, but I find that the output from the steps I have taken can be improved. 

Two days ago, I introduced time tracking to my efforts. its a bit too early to give credit/discredit to its effectiveness. But there is an effect to being presented with the feedback of raw data. It creates (when things seem off) an increase in the push for shifts. One shift has resulted in this blog post, and only time will tell the many other shifts towards the goal of engaging in desired activities the tracking will bring.

Post Author: Uduk, Paul

If there is a silver lining to the pandemic caused by Covid-19 it's the perspective it has brought to the meaning and fragility of life. Living a remarkable life has to do with being deliberate about putting what is important before you. BasicPulse has suffered neglect over the past months I hope to publish here more frequently in the coming weeks as an effort to be more deliberate about living life.


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BasicPulse is written by Paul Uduk.

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